Statutory Information
All information on our website is available in hard copy by request from the school office
Please click the links below to access the latest information on the Department for Education website:
Attainment 8 score |
43.7 |
% of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths |
33.1% |
% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) |
33.1% |
% of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4 |
94% |
KS 5 Results – 2024
10% A* – A
31% A* – B
62% A* – C
86% A* – D
95% A* – E
Average point score = 29
APS expressed as a grade = C
Value added = +0.05 (not reported in L3 IDSR this year)
Retention (2023) 95%
Destinations (2022 leavers):
Sustained education, employment or training = 81% (average)
Destination not sustained = 12% (average)
Activity not captured = 7% (average)
Admission Arrangements
The School has adopted the Local Authority Admissions Policy. Please click the link below to view this on the Dorset for You website.
The following primary schools feed to The Sir John Colfox Academy
- Bridport Primary School
- Bridport, St Mary’s CE Primary School
- Burton Bradstock CE VC School
- Loders CE VC Primary School
- Powerstock CE VA Primary School
- St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Bridport.
- Symondsbury CE Primary School
- Thorner’s C of E School
To look at the school catchment area in more detail click on the link below
Further information about catchment areas can be found here.
Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the school. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below:
Data Protection Officer: Tracy Broadbent
Address: Allenbourn Middle School, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1PL
Website: Initio Learning Trust - Home
Exclusion Arrangements
All exclusions will be managed in line with Department for Education (DfE) guidance.
Click here to view DfE exclusions information
Exclusion Arrangements Key Points
A decision to exclude a pupil permanently will be a last resort and will only be taken in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy and where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
DfE guidance will be rigorously followed to ensure any exclusion is lawful, reasonable and fair. The school will not discriminate against pupils on the basis of protected characteristics such as disability or race. The school will give particular consideration to the fair treatment of pupils from groups who are vulnerable to exclusion. No fixed term exclusions will be for longer than 5 days and the school will take reasonable steps to set and mark work during this time.
Where pupils have been permanently excluded, parents can ask for this decision to be reviewed by an independent review panel. The panel does not have the power to direct a governing body to reinstate an excluded pupil, although they can ask that the decision be reconsidered.
Where there is an allegation of discrimination (under the Equality Act 2010) in relation to a fixed term or permanent exclusion, parents can also make a claim to the First Tier Tribunal (SEND) for disability discrimination or the County Council for other forms of discrimination.
The school will work with pupils and parents to avoid exclusions as much as possible and will work to identify and address any causal factors including through multi-agency assessments Individual Support Plans or, where appropriate a managed move.
Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) inspects all state schools in England at least every three years. After the inspection is done, Ofsted publishes a report which is available to the public. When assessing a school, Ofsted inspectors consider:
- The school’s assessment of its own performance
- Performance data
- Student work
- Lesson observations
- Input from parents
- Discussions with students and staff
Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding for schools to allow them to support their most disadvantaged pupils.
The students who are in the category as being ‘disadvantaged’ and who therefore generate this funding are:
- Children in Years 7-11 who have been in receipt of Free School Meals (in the last 6 years).
- Looked after children (LAC).
- Children adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and children who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.
- Children of Services Personnel.
Research shows that nationally these children generally perform less well throughout their education and this disadvantages them in the employment market. The funding (known as Pupil Premium funding) is designed to help bridge that gap.
At the Sir John Colfox Academy approximately 17% of our students are from the above categories. In 2015-16 we expect to receive £111,230 to support disadvantaged students. On top of this we also expect to receive £15,500 specifically to support students in Year 7 who performed below the national average of 4B in their SATs in year 6. This is referred to as ‘Year 7 Catch Up’ funding.
The Government has asked all schools to be transparent about how they spend this money and what impact it has. Below you will find our overall statement of intent for our children who are in a ‘disadvantaged’ category. At the start of each year we will allocate our projected funding to areas of the school where we believe it can have significant impact e.g. purchasing revision materials or providing support with curriculum trips. At the end of the year we will provide a detailed breakdown of how the funding was spent, as well an evaluation of the impact we believe it has had.
Pupil Premium Guarantee
Our guarantee will ensure each qualifying student has:
- Guaranteed help towards uniform, revision materials and necessary equipment.
- Guaranteed access to a Careers Advisor for advice and guidance.
- Guaranteed access, where appropriate, to bespoke individual tuition and support and intervention activities.
- Guaranteed financial support to attend curriculum trips and activities to support learning.
- Guaranteed access to programmes such as TAAG (Talented, Able and Ambitious Group), the Edge (programme to recognise and reward school and community involvement), Lions Award through Rotary Club, Duke of Edinburgh where appropriate.
- Guaranteed access to individual support from the Inclusion Centre, Pastoral Officer, Counselling or ELSA workers focusing on areas such as building self- confidence, improving attendance, anger management, mediation or emotional support and guidance if appropriate.
- Guaranteed access to after school homework club and support for time management, organisational skills or revision techniques if appropriate.
- Guaranteed SEN support where required.
- Guaranteed access to the 16-19 educational bursary in the Sixth Form.
- Guaranteed staff mentor to discuss both academic progress and wellbeing.
All Pupil Premium students at risk of underperforming will have an Individual Support Plan.
Accessing Support
To apply for Free School Meals you can apply by telephone – call Dorset Direct on 01305 2211000. You will need to tell them your:
- Name
- Date of birth
- National Insurance Number
- Child’s details – name, date of birth, and school for which you want free school meals
They will make automated checks to confirm your entitlement, and if you qualify, they will tell you immediately, and then write to you within three working days of your call.
If you are entitled to Free School Meals you are also entitled to £50 (over 2 years) to purchase School Uniform, although this can be supplemented from the Pupil Premium grant if necessary.
To apply for financial support for trips and visits you will need to complete an Application for Financial Assistance from Trip Aid. Forms are kept at Main Reception.
The school believes in supporting all students who have specific needs and encouraging all to participate in the wider education we offer, including student leadership opportunities, as this provides a broad and balanced experience which is crucial for success in society when students leave school. We monitor access to all these activities closely to ensure all groups of students are able to participate and gain from our enrichment activities. This extra grant supports this work as well as supporting learning priorities.
Pupil Premium Statement 2024-27 (updated 2024)
Budget Allocation and Impact of Expenditure 2021-22
Budget Allocation and Impact of Expenditure 2019-20
Budget Allocation and Impact of Expenditure 2018-19
Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)
The Sir John Colfox Academy is committed to ensuring every student with SEND while at school has the opportunity to be happy, healthy and achieve their fullest potential, with the aim of enabling them to participate in and contribute to all aspects of school life.
We aim to meet the needs of all students with special educational needs and or disabilities, in line with the guidance provided by the local authority and the Code of Practice. Through quality first teaching, we strive to ensure all students, irrespective of their needs, make progress in all aspects of school life; academically, socially and emotionally.
For finance and governance information, please click the link to go to our Governance page.