This page contains commonly asked questions raised by parents and students new to our school.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does my child buy food from the canteen?
- Our school canteen is run by Caterlink.
- When the students start school they will have their fingerprint taken to enable them to purchase items from the school canteen. Money is put onto their account via MCAS, My Child at School account, alternatively students can pay by cash. A set meal costs £2.50 per day, but the total amount you provide will be at your discretion. Many students like to top up their accounts weekly.
- A breakdown of what your child is buying can be viewed on MCAS.
- If you would like to put a cap on how much your child spends per day, please put this request in writing (Letter or email and we can send this to the canteen.
How can I find out about free school meals?
- If your child receives free school meals at their current primary school, this will automatically carry on and your child’s account will be updated each day with £2.70.
- If you are in receipt of free school meals you are also entitled to help with uniform cost. In Year 7 and Year 9 you will be sent a voucher code for £50 which you can use to purchase uniform online at Your code and ordering information will be sent out to you at the beginning of July.
- If you believe you should be in receipt of free school meals, please contact Dorset Council on 01305 221090 or online here where you can find out if you are eligible, how to apply or how to cancel.
Can my child catch a bus to school?
Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a free bus pass to and from school. There is also a bus that goes from town to the school. If you have any questions about transport or would like to apply for a bus pass please phone the Transport Team at Dorset Council on 01305 224537, look online here or email
How do I let the school know my child will be absent?
- If your child is going to be absent from school, please ring the absence line on 01308 422291, option 1 or email: before 8.30am explaining the reason why.
- If your child has a medical appointment, please advise the school via a note to your child’s teacher, or by sending an email to
How can I retrieve lost property?
- All lost property is handed in to the Hub. If it is named we will automatically send items straight back to the student. Therefore, please ensure all items of clothing/PE kit etc are named. If your child has lost something, please ask them to check at the Hub.
Who can I contact with a query?
- Once school has started please direct any queries or concerns you have about your child to your child’s tutor in the first instance. If it is something you feel needs to be escalated, please speak to your child’s head of year.
- The link below takes you to a list of relevant staff for queries, including those regarding finance, school uniform and transport and careers.
Transition Videos
Welcome from Head Teacher
Click the documents below to find out more transition information.