Students enjoy a trip back in time!
Students from the Sir John Colfox Academy enjoyed a trip back in time when they visited the Ancient Technology Centre.
Students from the Sir John Colfox Academy enjoyed a trip back in time when they visited the Ancient Technology Centre.
Read our Spring first half-term news and have a look at all the brilliant things our Students have enjoyed and achieved. Click the link below!
A Year 8 group enjoyed a trip to the Pantomime, visiting the Electric Palace to see the Wizard of Oz.
Well done to our Year 9 Student Artists who decorated our ‘Stampede by the Sea’ elephant to help raise funds for Weldmar Hospicecare.
There were some brilliant performances in our school show, well done everyone!
Students in the Sixth Form at Colfox Academy have raised funds for Cancer Research during another successful ‘RAG’ week at the end of term.
Read our Christmas News and have a look at all the brilliant things our Students have enjoyed and achieved this half term. Click the link below!
‘Get Involved and Feel Good’ - that was the message to young people at a special exhibition promoting fun activities, hobbies, local clubs, wellness and more!
Students at the Sir John Colfox Academy enjoyed debating with their MP Edward Morello when he visited the school as part of UK Parliament Week.
We were delighted to welcome Children's Laureate Joseph Coelho, Classicist Daisy Dunn, Poet Gill Barr, the public and primary schools to Colfox, as part of Bridport Literary Festival.
Here is our first Autumn Colfox News - see what our students have been enjoying this half term!
Students enjoyed working with famous comedians, screenwriters, authors, journalists, TV writers and music stars at the Bankfest Writing Festival.