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Local School Committee

The Local School Committee has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school, with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Setting targets for pupil achievement
  • Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based

The Local School Committee are linked to different areas of the School Improvement Plan, areas include:

  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Sixth Form
  • SEND
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Pastoral
  • Leadership and Management
  • Disadvantaged students Plan

Committee members attend meetings once a term to look at different aspects of the School Improvement Plan.  Other duties may include conducting learning walks, talking to students, meeting with key staff, looking at student work, or other agreed activities.

Current Committee Members and Term of Office Expiry Date
Community Committee Members
Mr. Geoff Jones 28/04/2028
Mrs. Summeta Vij 20/10/2024
Parent Committee Members
Mr. Ben Franklin 20/06/2027
Co-opted Committee Members
Mrs. Helen Farmer 27/01/2025
Mr. Luke Machin 20/06/2027
Mrs. Laura Cornish 14/11/2027
Staff Representatives
Mrs. Lucy Wright 09/06/2027
Mrs. Terri Davies 09/06/2027


Initio Learning Trust

Please click the logo above to access the Initio Learning Trust Governance structure and Member and Trustee biographies.